A review by everydayberean
What If It's Wonderful?: Release Your Fears, Choose Joy, and Find the Courage to Celebrate by Nicole Zasowski


If I'm being completely honest, my interest in this book was mainly to learn how I could encourage others to choose hope in the midst of really hard seasons. A couple of specific friends came to mind as soon as I learned what it was about, so I wanted to read it to know if it was one I would want to gift to others.


I needed this book myself more than I would have ever expected. Nicole's writing style makes this easy to read, like having a deep conversation over coffee with a friend. I remember struggling with the things she shares about during seasons of waiting, disappointment, and dashed hopes. But I hadn't realized how many of those old patterns I was still stuck in. Reading this book has been like heart surgery and a healing balm all wrapped into one. If you need a fresh perspective on why and how to choose joy and hold onto hope, this book is for you.