A review by elianacox
Nightbane by Alex Aster


This was great. Like truly I don't have very many, if any at all, qualms with it.
I wanted her with Oro. He's like the light to her. Her warmth. The good in the world. Pushes her to be the best she can be in the most positive of ways. 

Grim on the other hand is a very dark soul. It's hard to dislike his character since you see him fall in love with her. You get the "I hate everyone but you" trope and it's such a good trope. 

Both oro and grim are the "touch her and you die" type. You see her love both of them. I'll admit we got more Grim than we did Oro in this book. A lot of the flashback scenes kinda shoved their way to the forefront and ultimately I feel like we kinda lacked some really good Oro/Isla scenes. 

But all that to say, I'm interested to see where this goes. We left off on a cliffhanger (suprise suprise), and I wouldn't dislike it if she ended up with either Grim or Oro. I do think I lean more towards Oro though if I had to route for one of them.