A review by nstinch54
Bad Tourist: Misadventures in Love and Travel by Suzanne Roberts


** I received a free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. **

This book was NOT what I expected at all. Instead of the a book full of adventures she experienced traveling, I got a book of adventures and a collection of one-night-stands in almost every single story that's in this book.

Not only was this book not what I expected, but the author seemed to constantly put herself into unsafe situations that leads to her being drugged by a tainted drink while she was in Peru, someone she was with was drugged in Mexico, and she seemed to constantly need to try to escape men she drunkenly slept with and then regretted the next morning. And clearly she doesn't learn from these mistakes as this happens over and over again to her.

Sorry, but I don't find that to be entertaining. And if it weren't for the fact that this was an ARC, I would have DNFed this book at about 20%.