A review by angelica_meigh
How We Weep and Laugh at the Same Thing by Michel de Montaigne


I decided to read this book because the title intrigues me and I really want to know more about it. This book however, is not focused solely on the title, it is a collection of essays! Still a pretty interesting read where I find myself underlining a bunch of lines and writing tons of "wow", "exactly!", and "what?!". 
Fave lines: 
  •  If death frightens us how can we go one step forward without anguish?
  •  Silly fool, you! Where your life is concerned, who has decided the term? -look at the facts and experiences instead.
  •  -for the soul can find no rest while she remains afraid of him.
  •  -for why should we fear to lose something which, once lost, cannot be regretted?
  •  If you have seen one day, you have seen everything. One day equals all days. There is no other light, no other night. (what a comforting thought.)