A review by nonna7
The Shattered Tree by Charles Todd


When an exhausted French officer is found at the foot of a tree, he is taken to Bess Crawford's station. She is puzzled when he shouts out in German, but it is pointed out to her that he is probably Alsatian, an area that is currently held by Germany. He is exhausted and lacks boots. His feet are badly injured. His uniform is unusable so he is given an American uniform temporarily. Then he is sent to a clinic in Paris to recuperate. Bess is sent to the same clinic after she is wounded by a sniper. Despite assurances that he is, no doubt, Alsatian, Bess wonders about him. Her wound is not serious, so she decides to investigate. Along the way she is assisted by an army captain who says he is there at her father's behest. He claims to be in Paris looking for deserters, but Bess has her suspicions. The war is ending, but the Germans are making their last stand. It should be interesting to see where the authors (Charles Todd is actually a pseudonym for a mother/son writing team) take Bess in post WW1 Europe.