A review by jimbowen0306
Camino Island by John Grisham


Words cannot describe how much this book irritated me. It starts off ok, with a crime being committed (in this case rare manuscripts being stolen), and you think it's going to be standard Grisham fayre. The strange thing is that after the first chapter or 2 it takes a random right turn into "Wait what? What just happened here?"

By this a mean, the book is completely different after those first few chapters, as we see a literature professor called in to help trace the manuscripts, which investigators believe are located on Camino Island, with a debonair bookstore owner who is working miracles by keep an independent bookshop open in the back of beyond (which is what brought him to the attention of investigators... just how is he doing it?).

The thing is, the "island book" doesn't feel like and Grisham I've ever read, and I've read 18 (just counted them), so it's not like I'm new to the Grisham dance. I read a Lisa Jackson book once when I was living in China. I later found out it was described as a "romantic suspense novel", which is fine if you know you're getting into a puffed up "Mills and Boon" , but if you can find me anyone who says they read Grisham for the slightly daft pot boiler love stories, and you'll have someone who'll live this book.

Oh and another thing, there is a fairly major point flaw regarding doors between shops that make the FBI look cretinously stupid, and trust me when I say that no one is that cretinously stupid, even those people who you are sure are dumber than a bag of hammers.