A review by moniqueeditrix
Hot Rock by Annie Seaton


4.5 Stars! Review to come on release day

Also reviewed on my blog All The Bookish Love

Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own

I love Annie Seaton’s work and when I managed to get my hands on an ARC copy of Hot Rock, I immediately cleared my schedule to read it the book. It was definitely one of my better decisions ever, because once again I managed to fall head over heels for one of Annie’s books.
Annie Seaton made me feel like I was living the story. Her words were so descriptive and not once did I get the feeling that I couldn’t imagine where I was. I felt like I was living the Glastonbury festivals, roaming around between all the hippies, groupies and rock stars. And boy, when she described Davy, well my imagination just went wild. Now that is a guy that could play his guitar at the loudest volume and I wouldn’t mind at all. As long as I am able to look at him all dreamy-like. He did start out as a bit of an ass, but hey, we all have our moments, right? Hen softened me up when he gave Megan some coffee and told her to keep the cup.
Megan, now she’s pretty feisty but also pretty awesome. I completely adored her as a character. I never really feel a lot toward female characters unless they come across as independent and strong, which is exactly what Megan is. She takes all the time-travelling in stride, after a bit of an internal freak out, but I know if I had to wake up and find out I was in 1971 instead of in 2014, then I would not just be freaking out on the inside, I would probably end up in a loony bin.
The chemistry between the two characters is explosive and intense. The love they feel for each other radiates off the page and you really just want to kick their teeth in until they can see that too. I highly recommend this for anyone, because really, if you don’t want to read about a rockstar with a hot bod and a smooth voice that can make you go weak at the knees just imagining it, then there really is something wrong with you.
Annie Seaton outdid herself with this one and she has definitely raised the expectations I have for all her future books. Here’s to one rocking writer!