A review by novelheartbeat
This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada


There's still hope as long as we're alive.

Okay so this one didn't quite wow me like This Mortal Coil did, I'm afraid. I struggled a lot in the first half - I was feeling slumpy already and I wasn't loving it like I did the first book. I was bored. So, I decided to put it down for a while. I read something else (Ship of Smoke and Steel, which I did NOT like), and the break was just what I needed because I ended up loving the second half! I'm so glad I stuck with it!

Other than it being a little slow in the first half, my other issue with this was the introduction of a love triangle. Or kind of love triangle, anyway?
SpoilerLove square?!
It bugged me a lot. I thought I was going to like Mato at first, because I was intrigued by him, but he ended up creeping me out a bit. I didn't care much for him in the end. Plus, I want Cat to be with Cole!
Spoilerhated the rift that grew between them. SO. MUCH. I hope they can resolve things in the next book!

The shit really hit the fan in the second half. I wish the first half would have been as intense and explosive! There were bombs dropped left and right - the shock and awe factor was insane!
SpoilerRegina is her mother?! Lachlan really IS her father?!?! Jun Bei is living separately inside Cat's head?!?!?! DEAD. And the fact that Lachlan only used Cat to basically hold Jun Bei's spot? Holy crap, I felt so bad for her! Talk about a messed up family...

"If there is a design that underpins us, Catarina, then it is cold, it is violent, and it is cruel."

The concept of this series is really astounding, and unlike anything I've ever read before. I love the idea of coding your DNA! And the virus was just disturbing. The books also take a close look at humanity - what it means to be human and what we would do to survive. It's quite chilling!

SpoilerAGNES!!!! Omg I was grinning like an idiot (in public, oops) when she came back! AHHHH!!! I cried when I thought she died in the first book. I love her so much!

Sooo, that ending?! For some reason I thought this was only a duology, and that ending left it very much open for another book.
SpoilerI predicted that "Cat" would close the book introducing herself as Jun Bei. I just knew it was her! But holy shit, to end it like that?!
 I can't wait to see what happens next!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.