A review by rachelevolve
Breaking the Surface by Eric Marcus, Greg Louganis


I owned this book for the longest time, but for some reason or another put off reading it. Not sure why I've always admired Greg Louganis...I'm not a huge Olympic follower, and I'm not into swimming as a sport. Perhaps my admiration for him began after he hit his head on the springboard during the 1988 Olympics in Korea, and much later hearing the news of his HIV status, which I could've sworn he came forth with immediately after his diving accident, but he came out in 1994. I think in this book Greg Louganis comes off as whiney and self-pitying. At first I was surprised by it. To me he never seemed like the type in real life, or perhaps he is and hides it, which is why he suffers so much from depression. I thought it would have an affect on how I felt about Louganis, but after finishing his bio I've decided I still think he's a great person who's been through a lot. I feel sad for him that he hasn't been able to find a meaningful relationship, which seems like something he's in search of. I hope he continues to do well in life and in health.