A review by pickett22
Book of the Dead by Michael Northrop


So I started this all like "yaaaay fun, adventure, middle-grade to end my evening!"
And then I realized, "yaaaaay fairly accurate depiction of chronic illness, dying children, and survivors guilt!"

So not what I was expecting. But good! Really exciting, very fast-paced, and good characterization. I especially love Ren. I love how she and Alex understand each other because they've both spent so much of their lives pretending to be something they're not: healthy and clever. Just all around very cool little things that make a huge difference to how the book reads.

The copy I read was 1.) an ARC and so I don't know if it can be registered online, and 2.) not mine, so I didn't bother trying. But I love the idea of the online part of the book. It's a great concept.

Good book, definitely one I'd recommend for my students, and I'm interested to read more of them!