A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Orphan of Cemetery Hill by Hester Fox


The Orphan of Cemetery Hill by Hester Fox takes readers back to Boston in 1844 where Tabby Cooke (12) has run away with her sister, Alice from Amherst. Their aunt and uncle have been taking advantage of their powers and treating them terribly. The girls could not take it any longer and escaped to Boston. Alice tells Tabby to stay on the church steps while she searches for lodgings. Unfortunately, Alice does not return, and Tabby seeks sanctuary in a cemetery. Tabby can communicate of the dead which is something she does not intend to tell a soul. While hiding in the cemetery, Tabby witnesses two men stealing the newly buried. One night a gentleman stumbles in and needs help with a wound while he hides from someone to whom he owes funds. Tabby helps him and wonders if she will ever see the gentleman again. Eli, the cemetery caretaker, takes in Tabby and she helps him with his chores. Twelve years later, Tabby is watching a burial and there is the man again. Caleb Bishop is burying his father and the weight of his new responsibilities weigh heavy on his shoulders. He finds himself captivated by Tabby and she finds herself wanting to assist him with a problem. That means, though, using her gift and trusting Caleb with her secret. Trouble is on the horizon and Tabby’s gift will either save her or be her undoing.

The Orphan of Cemetery Hill by Hester Fox is an intriguing historical novel. I have a weakness for paranormal stories, and the blurb for this book fascinated me. The author created a dark, gothic atmosphere with the cemetery, grave robberies, the mist, and murder. Tabby is a complex character along with Caleb Bishop. I liked Eli who was so kind and loved Tabby dearly. There is a lot going on in this book which keeps it propelling forward towards the tense conclusion. There is suspense, romance, drama, and intrigue. The author transports readers to her world with her vivid word imagery. I liked the chapter headings which include “In which we meet our young heroine” and “In which there is a reunion”. I did feel it was a slow starter with the pace increasing in the second half. I had a hard time getting through the first half. I was glad it was more interesting later on. I enjoyed the mystery. I like being able to solve a crime before the solution is revealed. Those who enjoyed The Witch of Willow Hall will be eager to devour this historical novel. The Orphan of Cemetery Hill is a spooky tale with its gothic atmosphere, robbing of graves, murder, and Tabby’s ability to commune with spirits from beyond the veil.