A review by synoptic_view
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline by George Saunders

These stories are so sad and so American. Stories of people who hold onto hope even in bleak situations. Stories where people are redeemed and gain an omniscient, benevolent view, but only when it is too late. Stories filled with casual cruelty and violence, often by the people who are supposed to be good.

The author's note at the end is particularly fascinating. Sauders talks about how he spent years trying to imitate the styles of Hemingway, Carver, and Joyce. It wasn't until he wrote a series of quick, humorous, "Seussian" stories that he feels like he found his voice. One can certainly see what he means. While reading, the stories reminded me most strongly of the [b:Rootabaga Stories|90840|Rootabaga Stories|Carl Sandburg|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328877053l/90840._SX50_.jpg|2441508].