A review by benkozel
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana by Richard Francis Burton


only like 20-25% of this book is applicable.

I think my biggest problem with this book is that it only deals with the "how" and not the "why" so no real knowledge is gained. Vatsyayana just rattles off situations and concoctions that he has found without any deeper understanding into why these schemes work. Besides the more upsetting parts (How to give fellatio, striking and scratching your partner, how to cheat or steal someone else partner) I pretty much forgot everything else.

While he does mention different regions and their practices, much of the "tricks" Vatsyayana uses would not work outside of a Hindi context.

This being said, I am thankful to the writer that I know what a lingam and yoni is as well as the various techniques for mutilating ones penis.