A review by mirificmoxie
Dance Hall of the Dead by Tony Hillerman


4 Stars

[b:Dance Hall of the Dead|425100|Dance Hall of the Dead (Leaphorn & Chee, #2)|Tony Hillerman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1420978805s/425100.jpg|47092] certainly improved upon its predecessor, [b:The Blessing Way|867387|The Blessing Way (Leaphorn & Chee, #1)|Tony Hillerman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1179033344s/867387.jpg|3100762]. Hillerman seemed to have a better idea of where the series would go and was able to continue to develop the characters.

The mystery itself was still straightforward. These aren't [a:Agatha Christie|123715|Agatha Christie|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1321738793p2/123715.jpg] books, but they are still very engaging. What I love about the series is how Hillerman brought the setting to life. Dance Hall of the Dead not only explores Navajo culture but also Zuñi culture. People have a bad habit of lumping all Native American culture together, so it was interesting to see both cultures especially considering this was written in the 70's. Even though many books have copied off of this series, I would still recommend it to any Mystery fans.

Ease of Reading: 4 Stars
Writing Style: 4 Stars
Characters and Character Development: 4 Stars
Plot Structure and Development: 3 Stars
Level of Captivation: 4 Stars
Originality: 4 Stars