A review by mamabearmn
The Death of Democracy: Hitler's Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic by Benjamin Carter Hett


This book is very thorough, well-researched, and eye-opening. I agree with another reviewer that this has stunning similarities to the last… well, quite a while in the US. The slow consolidation of power, fear mongering, scapegoating, gaslighting, and use of religion - it’s frighteningly familiar. I always tried to stay away from the comparisons to Hitler and Nazis because it felt like such a “conspiracy theory” or like an over-exaggeration. Little did I know…

I think this book is a LOT in terms content, dates, players, etc. so it may be very dry for some, but it is something everyone should take the time to read. Knowledge is our most powerful tool in life, and this book provides just that. I learned more from this book than I did in my K-12 education and even my college course specifically about WWII. That course covered the war itself while this book covers everything that lead to it.