A review by medicineandmetaphors
Witch King by Martha Wells

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
Martha is one of my favorite writers, so I was heartbroken when I found that Witch King was a slog for me. The oddest thing to me is that I’ve been adoring the characters, and usually that’s more than enough to propel me through Magic systems and jumping timelines that I’m struggling to grasp. Hell, give me a magic system that’s complicated, confusing, and mostly mysticism, and I’ll eat it up. But I can’t quite place what I didn’t like about Witch King… it’s such a bummer that when it came time for me to enjoy a book, I would reach for anything else on my currently reading list. I preordered Witch King because I adored Murderbot, but I suppose the major downfall is that Martha’s fantasy may not be for me. And that’s okay, because I’ll always be more of a SciFi girly anyways. I suppose it’s time to move on.