A review by kjonker
A Whisper In The Dark by Guy Quintero


Such a crazy ride!

High points: The idea of this book is crazy good. Me being intrigued by all things paranormal, this book's plot and theme had me hook, line and sinker. The monsters and demons in this story are very creative and scary fun to read. And th he battle sequences are written very descriptive. You can definitely see the fight scenes unfold in your mind.
The idea of a group of not only military trained soldiers, but also people psychically gifted to fight this "unholy war" is magnificent. I was completely enthralled with Elizabeth. I also really liked the characters Emmerich and Badrick.
The U.S.A Ghost Team is badass. Think Sam and Dean Winchester but amped up times 100 with military training and weapons.
Speaking of weapons and military, this brings up the first downside of the book for me. The military and weapons jargon was a bit over-the-top, but I understand the decision to use it. For a lay person I couldn't care less, but the author does explain everything so your not completely in the dark with all the code and acronyms.
There were also some characters that I couldn't really get into. Callisto (RIP, girl). She was just too "Come at me, Bro" - like at 1,000 the whole book. Everytime I read her lines I mentally said, "Settle down, girl". Plus her overuse of the word "babe" everytime she spoke to Emmerich was a bit....much.
Fredrick (bless his heart) annoyed me a bit as well, but I do see that he was comedic relief and also written to where we would see some character development.
The story hits the ground running and is basically nonstop battle from page 1 to page 274 (the end).
I did enjoy this story, though and I plan on reading the next one, "The Cannibal Peaks".
I think Guy Quintero definitely has a creative mind to write good paranormal horror and I really look forward to seeing more of his work.