A review by cadiva
Honeymoon Sweet by Allison Temple


I really enjoyed book one in this series but Honeymoon Sweet was an absolute delight which gave me a massive smile all the way through.

Allison has taken a familiar trope, the fake husband/boyfriend, and given it a cute little spin with two characters who are perfectly suited for each other in every way.

we met Doug in book one, he's the Out and About Queer Festival Programme Director, and when we pick up with him, he's setting off alone on his Honeymoon cruise after his fiance failed to show and sent a text instead.

Tripp is an absolute darling, Doug bumps into him literally naked and locked outside his cabin after a row with his workaholic boyfriend. There's an attraction but Doug's a mess and Tripp's with someone but things develop both quickly and organically and the two find themselves in a fake marriage and on their honeymoon.

What follows is joyous, as they fall in love over snorkeling, white water rafting and shared breakfasts.

There wasn't a bit of this book that didn't work for me, from the realistic way the conflict point arose and the conclusion to it. The Epilogue is as sweet as the title.

I hope there's more to come in this series.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review