A review by eesh25
Ruined by Amy Tintera


This was a really good book.

I, honestly, thought it would be another one of those book where the author read a How to Write YA 101 and that was that. And while I have to admit that it didn't have the most original plot, it redeemed itself in some moves that I found to be pretty bold.

The writing was good, which I wasn't expecting and the pace was very good. The story was engaging and I liked both the protagonist. I didn't know what to feel about Em initially (mindless crusades aren't really my thing) but she got better. I'm actually quite proud of both Em and Cas.

The thing I found lacking was the world building. It could have done with some more detail. It wasn't as noticeable because there are so many books with similar worlds around that out mind automatically fills in the blanks. Which isn't exactly desirable.

Another thing was that the book lacked grit. Which, I guess, was because of the lack of detail. It just felt too clean and straight-forward. Convenient, almost.

But despite that, I liked the book and I really liked the ending. It made me very eager to get my hands on the next book. I'm curious to know what will happen with a certain, potentially psychotic, character that came into the book near the end.

Overall, I think this was a very good, enjoyable read and I recommend checking it out.