A review by magencorrie
Strength by Carrie Butler


My Thoughts

I loved this book! Yes, I really, really did! It was such a different kind of paranormal read, one I haven’t really encountered before. From the first page I was sucked in, I couldn't put this book down. Now, I haven’t really read any New Adult paranormal kind of books before, so all I can say now is, I want more! Strength was amazing. It was gripping and thrilling, yet sweet and beautiful. It’s a book world I would love to get lost in again and again.

Carrie created, in my opinion, a very interesting and unique book. She took her own mythology and intertwined it stunningly into her own story, creating a world exclusively its own. Then she added a spunky female, a dark yet sweet guy with some special talents. A dash of supernatural. A twist of mystery. And bam, magic! A book that I still can’t get out of my head even after days of finishing it.

Rena was one spunky girl, which is why I enjoyed her so much. But not only is she spunky, she’s a girl who owns up to her own words, and if she makes a mistake, she’s not afraid to fix it. She had her flaws, but she tried her best to do what was right. That made her feel even more like a real person, not just a character in a book. Rena also proved to be strong, and to be there for the ones she loves and cares about, I really liked that about her.

Now! I get to talk about Wallace! Oh, I really, really (seriously) loved this character. I don’t know if it was his ‘strength’ his personality-shy and a bit tortured- but I really enjoyed everything about him. Yes, he is a bit of a tortured soul, but that gives Wallace his depth. Being who he is, and having to live with what he is makes Wallace, to me, a strong character in many ways. And seeing him struggle with everything just made me wish I could hug him!

One character did get on my nerves, and I just have to vent about. Gabby. She was, to me, that annoying friend who you just wanna shake or probably slap. Though she meant good, Gabby just ended up being annoying. Hopefully in the next book she’ll have grown and become more of a less self-centered kind of girl.

Another character that made this book, and took me by surprise, would have to be Cole. Wallace’s brother.Now, this character definitely went through a transformation in the book. At first, I thought I was not going to like him, especially when he pulled a certain stunt. But low-and-behold Cole became a character I just adored. I wasn't sure if I could forgive for what he done, but his true personality pulls you in, and captures you! Plus that humor of his!

I loved the characters (most of them), I enjoyed the story-line and I was sucked into the world of Strength. Though sometimes the situations didn't feel natural, or that the characters didn't reaction in a way that felt normal, this was an amazing read! The pacing was done wonderful, and I saw some amazing character development in most of the characters. I fell head-over-heals in love with Rena and Wallace’s struggle and love. I’m also very intrigued by how Carrie’s supernatural/mythology mix she put within her story.

I couldn't get enough of Strength, and days after finishing it, the story and characters still consumed my thoughts. I definitely recommend this book to lovers of the New Adult genre who also love a good paranormal mix and romance!