A review by royda88
Ship It by Britta Lundin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
After the obvious fancition section at the very beginning, I thought I was going to enjoy this book. I've been in and out of fandom for decades and always enjoy my time there in all its forms. But I have never seen nor experienced what the first few pages this book tries to set up. 

I grew up in a small town in South Carolina so I know a little bit about country boys and hiding in plain sight when reading about ships. I came from New York City so it doesn't get any more big city than that. I already had a bad feeling when the main character is so self-invovled that I don't think she even hears what she's saying. 

Anyway, I knew I should 't have started this book since the main character was a girl and I don't read anything with a girl in it as a main character. I'm sad I paid for it but I guess lesson learned.