A review by librarylin
Killed: Great Journalism Too Hot to Print by David Wallis


Killed is a good example of a book that forces you to think. While all the stories share the fate of being "killed" or unpublished by various publishing outlets, they are quite varied in seriousness. The time period covered is 1943-2003. Writers as well respected as George Orwell are included. Obviously, for a work to be killed, it must be capable of offending someone. Sometimes that someone is a sponsor; sometimes it is readers; sometimes the reason is more obscure and ominous.

I enjoyed the book because I learned a lot from it. That is one of my requirements for a book worth reading. It opened my eyes to stories and viewpoints that were kept out of the mainstream press while the events were happening. I look at this book as an old chest in the attic. The things inside are sometimes puzzling, sometimes smelly, and sometimes enchanting. I would say that, unless you are squeamish, this would be a good book for anyone to read.