A review by meginlove
Out of the Gate by Elsie Silver


3.75 stars. This is a prequel novella about Vaughn and Cole's grandparents, Dermot and Ada. Of course I had to read about how Gold Rush Ranch came to be! I went into it know the pacing was going to be quicker since its a novella. Ada has had a crush on Dermot Harding for as long as she can remember. As if his friendship with her parents wasn't bad enough, he's 10 years her senior AND an employee on the ranch. AKA this man is off limits. When Ada turns 18, she finally decides to make her move and she kisses him. It doesn't go as she hoped and he ends up leaving to serve in the army. Two years later and Ada is not the same naive girl Dermot left behind. I thought that this was a quick and cute read! It wasn't a super deep and emotional book, but I still enjoyed it.

I also applaud Elsie for the way she chose to write this book, specifically regarding the fate of the characters lol. I have this thing about NOT liking when we hear about death of mc in books, even when its decades and decades down the road. It just kind of gives me anxiety. Having read the first book of the series we know how Dermot and Ada's story ends. I LOVEDDD that Elsie didn't feel the need to bring it up in this book. In my opinion, she could not have ended it more perfectly!