A review by kcoventry13
Lost and Found by Gina L. Maxwell


(Between 3-3.5 Stars)

This was a book that captured my attention the second I read the description. A modern retelling of Peter Pan. Peter, being a sexy playful mechanic and Wendy, a proper rich girl, growing up together? Not to mention, Hook and Tink being future stories to be told? Count me in!

This book was cute, funny, sexy, and of course...a different way of one of my favorite stories being retold in a modern setting! It was really good! The characters had me smiling when I recognized them for the original Peter Pan and laughing when the author managed to fit them into the story in a unique way. The story was interesting and I really enjoyed myself.

Peter was a mischievous orphan who owns an automotive shop, LB Automotive (clever right?), and is taking care of the Lost Boys and Tink after escaping the clutches of their guardian, Croc. Now that was a shocking introduction to the characters. I loved it! (but at the same time, scare me for the future books. The guy sounds extremely menacing and evil!) Anyways, Peter has always been in love with Wendy from the time they met as kids. Sadly, Wendy had to leave and thus, their romance ended. Or was it? (Yes, I just went there, let me have my moment!) So Wendy shows up ten years later with a project to restore a care for a benefit that she's organizing. Then begins their way back to finding the love they had as teens.

The story was good and I enjoyed seeing their journey to reconciliation after all these years, but I have to say, I was slightly disappointed. I thought that there would be some denial on Wendy's part that she was not going to fall for him instantly after seeing Peter again. Something like a lot of denial followed up by some intense sexual tension that would explode when they couldn't take it anymore. Instead, they kind of just picked right back up from the beginning again. I mean, that might just be me and all, but I still was hoping for a little more....build up. Regardless, it was still sweet to show that love never dies when it's something like their love.

One other thing that bothered me was the transitions. I don't mind the time jumps throughout the story because we got to see their relationship as they grew up. However, when things would go back to the future, there seemed to be massive time jumps, like weeks into the future. It just felt a little disjointed to me.

The biggest thing that bugged me in this story were some of the sexual things. Now, I'm not saying that the sexy moments weren't filled with heat, because some of them were really well written. But the issue was...well one scene in particular. At some point, Wendy and Peter start kissing and then it's revealed that she has never had an orgasm. I mean....really?! You just do some really nice party for some special event (which I'm not revealing and was the best part in the book in my opinion), and then you suddenly start talking about never having an orgasm with your childhood sweetheart? I mean....I just felt the whole scene was just weird. And then Peter starts talking about 'flying' and 'seeing the stars' through an orgasm. Again, reallllllly weird.

Oh, and another line that seemed to make me stare at my Kindle weirdly was....excuse myself for typing this one out...but..."I want to devour her like the rich pricks I'm building it for devour their caviar". Yep....that's a line said from the boy who never wanted to grow up. I just....ugh...it was just odd.

Okay, now I got that out of my system, I really enjoyed this book despite those little things. It made me smile, laugh, and nearly cry at moments in this book. Also, there were a few little....things that hinted at what was going to happen in the next two books. I really wish there were more with the Lost Boys in the future! It would definitely be an adventure to read about all of them!

If you have the chance and love Peter Pan, I definitely recommend this book. Also...does this mean that I'm going to start Hook right after this review? Especially because I can't wait to read about John and Hook's adventure.

You bet I am! ;)