A review by evi0603
Conquered by Devyn Sinclair


DNF at 30%

I was interested because of the blurb. I expected it to be much darker. You know, with her being a chained slave that could not speak and all.

But the story did not deliver. The book starts with her being handed to the Lorem and they’re very nice to her from the start. We read none of the horrible things that she endured. This made the shift from “horrible past” to “oh wow these people aren’t dicks” barely noticeable, even though that was very important to the fmc.

The five love interests are very bland and almost immediately into her. I could not care less about any of them. I wanted to like them and the book, but it just wasn’t working for me.

I skipped ahead to see if the dudes at one point take away the magic to make sure she can speak. They do, but then they also put it back the next morning when they have to move again. Even though she begs one of the dudes to not do it and to leave her chains off. He just sighs and still does it.

I just wasn’t feeling the romance or the characters at all.

I will not be reading the rest of this series and I don’t recommend you read this book.