A review by cadmanreads
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


I don't want to write this review because I'm disappointed in the book or should I say the second half of the book.
Let's get this out of the way, I love the author's work and also the first book in this series ' The prince of mist'. The change of setting to Calcutta was jarring for me but after the initial shock, I was on board.
I liked the Chowbar society members, each with different but complementary personalities and was ready for the adventure. I was a little confused about the ethnicity of the characters due to their names.
The book has many great ideas, some may be well-used tropes but it was written well.
All was great until about 75% and then I seem to lose interest. I can't put my finger on what it was exactly, maybe it was Jawahal's intentions were not clear to me and all of a sudden it seemed to wrap up too quickly.
There is still a lot to like here but it isn't as good as Book 1 of the series.
I thought there would be a connection between the books but I missed it if there is. I'm hoping for Book3 won't disappoint.