A review by lauraborkpower
Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane by Suzanne Collins


I started this just hours after I finished the first, and as soon as I get on the train tomorrow, I'll be starting the third.

The story builds perfectly upon Gregor the Overlander and the characters--well developed over the course of the first book--develop and grow seamlessly over this second installment. The action is even better in this book, and Gregor comes into his own. Collins has written created a sympathetic boy who is a do-gooder but not a goody-two-shoes.

I really appreciate, too, Gregor's family. Although the Underland world is rich and fantastic, the real world of a lower class family struggling to make ends meet is realistic and relatable.

And I've got to add something that I forgot to mention in my GTO review: because of this series, I've never before hated cockroaches less than I do now. In fact, they're almost okay.

Narrator Paul Boehmer is solid again, although his Ripred sounded off from the first book. Luckily, the rat isn't in this book much, but I hope Boehmer gets back to that original Ripred voice for the next one.