A review by bookandcat
Little Pink Slips by Sally Koslow


This book is not the new Devil Wears Prada or the new anti-Devil wears Prada because it is not worthy of such titles. While entertaining in parts, most of Little Pink Slips feels tired. It has either been written before or the author seemed to tire of writing. There are gaps in plot and character development, sort of like a cut-to-black transition in a movie, except that a movie does a better job of explaining things. It really feels like the author wrote herself into a corner and chose to ignore the situation by pretending it didn't exist (ie: oops, person A fell in love with person B and now I want A to date C! let's have A and B suddenly break up a successful relationship without warning. oh, and B is left hanging now? let's invent someone new to appease the situation). Logical progression is missing, and many of the characters contradict themselves or are not sympathetic when they are intended to be so. Ironically, I would have enjoyed this book about an editor if it had better editing.