A review by oliviaangelixx
My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth

Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
DNF @ 34%
I went into this book with really high expectations. It looks so adorable, and I love books that feature women in STEM. Not to mention this is by the same author that wrote The Atlas Six (under the pen name Olivie Blake) which I really enjoyed. Sadly, what I read did not reach the bar that I placed for it and it just got to a point where I could not read anymore.

My Mechanical Romance is a dual POV book, told from the perspectives of our two main characters, Bel and Mateo. Bel is new to the school and is on the verge of graduating, but she has no idea what she wants to do with her life. All she knows is that she enjoys building and designing objects. Mateo (who also goes by Teo) is the school heartthrob who also happens to be one of the smartest in the school, captain of the soccer team, AND captain of the robotics team. When Bel is forced to join the robotics team, her and Teo don't get along, until they do.

It sounds promising right? And it was, for less than a split second. Right off the bat, I noticed that the writing style seemed a bit too dense for my tastes. It seemed like the author wanted to give us new information about the characters every time they spoke which got a bit tiresome in some spots. To be quite honest, it felt a lot like we were being info-dumped on and I wasn't the biggest fan (though I know some people would enjoy that).

The thing that really did me in for this book was the random sexist comments that were made. I know that's part of the point of this book, the whole "empowerment" thing, but it really didn't sit right with me. Every ten seconds Bel would think something along the lines of "Teo and the rest of the robotics team hate me because I'm a girl" and it would end up being almost true? Like I signed up for a romance, not to listen to Teo whine about how she showed him up a couple times. I was willing to push past it until he said this line: "...from the time I've spent watching her, I've noticed she only has two modes: super aggressive or super passive." He says this because she stands up for herself. No thank you. If I wanted an entitled, rich, sexist love interest, I'd read a dark romance.

Overall, I didn't absolutely hate this book, but I didn't like it enough to keep going. It had a good concept. Maybe if I kept going, it would've gotten better, but I couldn't stand to read another word out of it until it did.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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