A review by hannahnana73
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers

I have NO clue what to rate this... I'll have to let it sink in and decide tomorrow maybe...

This book was... disturbing to say the least... and yeah I really doubt most high schools have kids that have done all these "stuff": run away, got pregnant, been raped, committed suicide, and the list goes on... and yeah let's just say that some of those factors weren't what I was comfortable reading about... acc nearly dnf-ed this but this stubborn person has a rule that she doesn't dnf any book - so had to stick with it:/

Other than that... I guess it was eye-opening? Idk? It certainly was gripping... but was also incredibly messed up and depressing... ig it did a good job making me a bit more grateful that my school isn't like that... also the relationships between people (whether friends or more than that) were really portrayed negatively - yeah true in high school you may have one or two of those mean girls and guys who just use people but not everyone's like that...! Not everyone bullies, drinks, does drugs, tries to commit suicide, has terrible relationships etc... srsly inaccurate... like there's the common inaccurate portrayal of highschool being all fun and laughter - but this is literally the other extreme...

Hence, I honestly have no clue what to rate this - in terms of style and writing it was good... and the story was very gripping (even five star worthy for the emotional connection we felt)... And I could relate a bit with her perfectionist nature since I have that similar craziness? where everything has to be perfect... but then there were all these other factors that made me srsly regret picking it up...

I wouldn't recommend it for anyone below 16... If I knew some of it's content I'd never have picked it up so yeah...