A review by emmkayt
The Outlander by Gil Adamson


An unexpectedly terrific read. A literary Western set in 1903, as a young woman flees through the Alberta frontier after having killed her husband. The lyrical language - which in the wrong CanLit hands can leave me bored and grouchy (I'm looking at you, [b:The Night Stages|23209962|The Night Stages|Jane Urquhart|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1413131311s/23209962.jpg|42753066]) - in this case was fresh and deftly handled, and the plot had momentum that propelled me forward happily. A couple of threads/themes were not developed as much as they might have been, such as the main character's mental illness, and the ending was rather quick and tidy, but that's the flip side of momentum, and not much of a downside really. 4.5 stars.