A review by breesel
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong


feeling numb i’m numb roma was planning on killing her whereas juliette was trying to protect him, then they work together then they don’t then they end up on good terms and then juliette saves him in the duel by killing tyler and admits to tyler that she loves him and then we go to the safe house and he admits he loves her too and i begin to pass out then my head hit the wall then they try to run away SCIKKK THEN THEY GET MARRIED AND MADE VOWS ROMA WITH THE “IN THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT, FOR HOWEVER LONG OUR SOULS REMAIN, MINE WILL ALWAYS FIND YOURS” BOMIT VOMIT BILE VOMIT PUKE AND THEY TIE THE FUCKING STRING ON THEIR FINGERS AND THEN THEY TRY TO ESCAPE ON THR BOAT AND THEY DONT AND THEN THEY GET CAPTURED AND JULIETTE FOMES BACK TO SAVE ROMA FROM DIMITRI AND THEY BITH&2$;$2&&;&2&;$;&&$3$;$;$:&&2&;&:&;&;&&42$:&3&3&&;&4&4&;$3 I KNOW THEYRE ALIVE THEY R OUT THERE LIVIJT THEIR BEST LIVES ALONE WHWRE NOBODU KNOWS THEIR NAMES OR ANYTHINT ABT THE BLOOD FEUD