A review by kathydavie
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice


The first of three novels of erotica that embrace excessive BDSM in the Sleeping Beauty series.

My Take
Unless you are into rape, anal rape, whippings, spankings, etc., with maybe 1% of love expressed, then this is not for you.

There was a fascination with this, if only because it's an Anne Rice. She's an amazing writer, and I will grant that the writing in these series is good — the only reason I gave it a "2", but oh. My. God.

No. I simply couldn't get into this. I can understand why Rice didn't want her family to know she was writing this. And she has one heck of an imagination...or some interesting experiences in her life.

It was cute to start it off as an awakening of Sleeping Beauty, but Rice quickly left me shocked and horrified.

So why did I keep reading? It's Anne Rice. I didn't believe she could possibly keep up this level of incredibly NASTY. I will say that if you can get through all three of these, it does eventually "explain" why our heroine (and all the "heroes") does what she does.