A review by zinelib
For Better or Cursed by Kate Williams


The follow up to [b:The Babysitters Coven|38856385|The Babysitters Coven (The Babysitters Coven, #1)|Kate Williams|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1549996372l/38856385._SY75_.jpg|60417414] takes a little longer to get into than the first entry in the series, but eventually it becomes compelling. The two Sitters, protagonist Esme and her slaying partner Cassandra (daughter of Circe) have attracted the attention of the ruling body, the Synod, and find themselves playing host to a Sitters convention, which is unexpected, given their non-dynamic location: Spring River, Kansas. The other Sitters arrive from NYC, Miami, and other cities, everyone descending on a Zombified hotel. The Synod don't like to be remembered, so they brainwash people--for their own good, including Esme's bestie, Janis.

In addition to dealing with her Sitter duties, Esme has some family matters on her mind: her dad is depressed, and the electricity has gone out at home--theirs is the only house so effected. Her mom is still catatonic in a care facility. Since Esme learned in book one that her mother's catatonia is physical only, and that she's still alive inside and aware of everything going on, the situation feels all the more devastating.

It's time for Cassandra and Esme to learn about curses, and the dreaded Red Magic. To help them they have their Counsel (a la Buffy's Watcher), Brian, who is increasingly frustrated with the young womens' lack of interest in their training and their frivolity regarding the conference. It's not like the interior designer wanted to be assigned to be a football coach in Kansas or make friends with Esme's downer dad. The perks (magic) are nice though. Same goes for Adrian, a mysterious guy Esme suspects is following her. Turns out she's right, and he's got a strange power that isn't revealed until nearly the end of the book.