A review by iluvdaddydarkling
Pink Is Not a Color by Lindsay Ward


I picked this up so I could get a kindle award but it was actually a cute read.

When pink finds out that she's not a colour in the rainbow this causes her to have an existential crisis and wonder if she IS in fact a colour.

Pink was very relatable to me, a 19 year old girl, because I too like to overanalyze things and suffer-- jk!

She made new friends along the way, learned about different types of colours, and even accepted herself even though she wasn't a rainbow colour and her friends were.

 I think this is a sweet book for kids to show them that it's okay to be different from your friends. Her friends were also never mean to her because she wasn't a rainbow colour and they accepted her for who she was, it was really just up to pink to love herself :)

P.S. To all the scientists who think pink is not a colour, you are against happiness and we don't like you, 8/