A review by monkeyboystiff
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout


The writing in this book was very poetic and evocative, it gave a real sense of the place and the people in it. The first story really tugged at my emotions, and I thought I would really enjoy this series of short tales.

Then I read on...and they were just all miserable one after the other. Terrible things happened to them in them all, they were all about chances missed, opportunities lost, and people wasting their lives. The blurb makes it sound like out of these misfortunes there will be some jewel that shows off the beauty of the human spirit or something. Nope, they were just bloody depressing.

I also hated Olive, she was a mean-spirited, grumpy, and immature creature. I didn't sympathise with her at all - I liked her husband and felt incredibly sorry for him. She treated everyone like shit; again I expected that gradually the reasons for this would be revealed and she would be humanised. Nope, she was just a cow.

It took me ages to finish this pretty short book, because I couldn't face delving into such depressing lives.