A review by book_concierge
The Autobiography of Santa Claus by Jeff Guinn


Book on CD narrated by John H Mayer

From the book jacket This enchanting Christmas Chronicles classic combines solid historical fact with glorious legend to deliver the definitive story of Santa Claus. For anyone who has ever wondered … you’re right to believe in him!

My reactions
I should really pay closer attention to book jacket information. Somehow I expected this to be a light , fluffy, humorous story of the “jolly old elf.” But it is a history of Western civilization told through the lens of the legend that has become Santa Claus. It starts with the birth in 280 A.D. in Lycia (now Turkey) of a baby who would become Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, who would be known for his generosity in giving to the poor.

The magic begins when he sets out to travel and give more gifts and finds he can cover much more land than a normal man, and never tire. He meets a beggar / thief named Felix who becomes his first helper. Soon they realize that as long as they continue to give gifts anonymously, they are immortal. Through the years (and the history lessons), they meet and collect a variety of helpers including Attila the Hun, King Arthur, Leonardo da Vinci and Amelia Earhart (among others).

John Mayer’s delivery on the audio is ponderous. He gives so much weight to the history lesson that I grew quite bored. I had a text version handy and read several sections myself rather than listen.