A review by dontstopreadin
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein


I typically do really enjoy historical fiction novels when I read them, it’s just something I expect. I didn’t expect anything less of this book, but honestly I didn’t expect much more. Oh, how I was wrong. This book BLEW me away. I’m struggling to even put into words how much I loved this book.
At the root of this book we see an incredibly complex character and one of the most beautiful female friendships of all time. The root of this book is great. What Elizabeth Wein does with that root, how she expands it and structures and fleshes out this narrative, takes this book to a category all of its own.

This is a book that I would recommend listening to on audiobook; however, it is important to note that there are a few (though not too many) multi-media aspects within the book that are not highlighted in the audiobook. I think this is worth it, but I feel like you should know what you’ll give up in order to experience this incredible experience audibly.

The narration is incredible, the writing is strong, the story telling is remarkable and unlike anything I’ve ever read before. HIGHLY, highly, hiiiiggghhhllllyy recommend. Best book I’ve read in such a long time (and the only one I've read in 1 sitting this year). Easily one of my favorites of the year.