A review by scareads
Ashton Scott by Nina Levine


This one teetered between 3 ⭐ and 4 ⭐ for me during much of the story. In the end, I went with four because the resolution and ending were nicely done.

One of the things that pushed this up a star were the large numbers of subplots for a romance novel that all came together at the end in a very logical manner. That was a great job on the author's part and was one of the reason I didn't decide to put this book aside. The pace was nice and quick, and the characters were fun. I did enjoy Ashton's numerous secondary friendships and relationships. They are what tied this book together.

As to why I debated on it being 3 ⭐ - first reason, the romance went from 0 to 100 in a matter of 10 pages. The overwhelming attraction Ashton displayed just seemed to come out of nowhere, which was a little over the top. There was no buildup for their relationship, and with the constant neverending smut, I was quickly losing interest. I enjoy smut but not on every other chapter. At that point, it's too much.

Secondly, Lorelei pushed back against Ashton's arrogance and bossiness only to give in shortly thereafter every time. It got to the point where her character seemed wishy washy and weak for not choosing a course of action (even if that is to choose giving in) and sticking to it. Personally, I felt it contradicted her character's other behaviors and what Ashton's character repeatedly stated he liked about her.

Thirdly, I never really understood Lorelei's insecurities that were alluded to or what her friend Sienna mentioned several times. It never really seemed to come into play, and it wasn't clear from where it stemmed but somehow it affected her romantic relationships in a very ambiguous way. I believe the point was to show that both characters compromise for each other, but I didn't see it. Ashton keeps being the same extremely bossy man that doesn't give in. Being apprehensive about it isn't a compromise. I feel like his character arc needed work.

So while this book wasn't bad at all and served as a good distraction from every day life, I sadly came out of the read unsatisfied. Even now, I wish we could give 1/2 stars because while it was better than a 3, I really don't feel like it deserves a 4 either.