A review by blackshirt
The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Stephen Hanselman, Ryan Holiday


The basics:

You only control your own actions. Concern yourself with those, not of actions and events outside your control. Acceptance of this is not the same as passivity.

You improve the world by your actions, your example to others, and teaching others. You do not control how others interpret your actions, your example, or teaching.

You are biased and imperfect. Work daily to be less so. You will not fully succeed. You can only get closer.

On the largest scales, you don't matter, your works will not last, your efforts are ineffectual.

You create your own meaning, influenced by your peers, experience, and society. Choose helpful and useful meanings.

You control the meaning of events and actions for yourself. You can change the meaning of a sleight or suffering or pain. You can interpret obstacles as opportunities.

You will die. It will be longer or shorter than others' lives. But you each get the same thing - a life. It's better or worse based on the meaning you assign to it. It's easier when you live a good life for yourself and help others live good lives when they want to.