A review by monasterymonochrome
Blueprints for Building Better Girls: Fiction by Elissa Schappell


I won a copy of this book through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway. The first few stories didn't leave me impressed but the second half of the book was much better, with a few genuinely fantastic stories and some very well-drawn characters. However, though Schappell's writing is competent and relatable, it is not exactly singular. I couldn't help feeling like, even during the better stories, I was reading Lorrie Moore cast-offs. Though the two women write from similar everyday perspectives, Schappell's prose lacks the elegance and emotion of Moore's. Her stories never quite reached the peak I was waiting for and so left this reader feeling unsatisfied. Still, Blueprints for Building Better Girls is a quick, engaging read if not particularly memorable in the long term.