A review by katie_chandler
No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Tina Payne Bryson, Daniel J. Siegel


Great thoughts on mindful parenting. As I listened to this audiobook I kept thinking that while this is a self help book written with practical advice for teaching emotional intelligence as “discipline” for kids, its really helping adults overcome the lack of skills they missed out on through more punitive discipline they probably received as a child. I don’t think my parents were particularly harsh in discipline, but I definitely didn’t learn how to recognize/name my emotions or know what to do with them until I was an adult and out of the house.

I loved the concept that when kids are misbehaving they are basically demonstrating to you where they are missing skills, whether that is emotional awareness, communication skills, or understanding what to do with their bodies when they feel big emotions. The acronyms they used were a bit too long to remember and I felt like I would need to reread practical advice in order to really understand how to implement it, but that is probably more of a reflection on my current ability to take in new information than their ability to communicate it. This book is geared more towards older, communicating children, rather than the toddler stage I’m in now, but I figured I’m getting a head start and can work on my own reactions to unwanted behavior first.

I wish I had emotional awareness skills earlier on and hope to learn how to give that to my children, not to mention be better at controlling my own reactive “reptilian” brain. So I’m adding more audiobooks by these authors to my queue.