A review by xeyra
The Book of Atrix Wolfe by Patricia A. McKillip


I cannot say this one was one of my favourites by this author. I confess that it really didn't grab me much at the beginning and there were times when, during the reading, I became confused. McKillip's writing is beautiful but her metaphors and her symbolism and her flowery dialogue and descriptions in this book would occasionally confuse me and I got lost.

This does not mean I didn't like the book, though, because after a while I started immersing myself in the story, started feeling for the characters (Saro was an especially favourite of mine), loving them and being frustrated by them at times, wanting to know how things would end up for them. I liked the end; it was a fitting one, it had a bittersweet taste to it. It was not the easiest novel to read, no, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, just not as much as the other novels by this author I've had the pleasure of reading recently.