A review by hellsfire
Mere Mortals by David Mack


In a trilogy, the second book is supposed to be the darkest. Up until the ending, it didn't feel that way with Mere Mortals. It felt very optimistic as it started off with a battle the Enterprise one and they even found out where the Borg were coming from. Not only that but alliances were formed.

Since Mere Mortals is not the darkest part, it spends a lot of time building up, what I assume, is to be a very pivotal plot line with Erika Hernandez and her motley crew that's stuck with the Caeliar. Despite how slow this plot is, it does well when it comes to characterization.

There are some things here I loved. I loved how the Caeliar mentioned some other species and galaxies that haven't been seen yet and how Ezri's ship ran into a new alien species. Whether you're reading the books or watching the shows or movies, you're just enjoying one small part of the Star Trek universe.

I'm curious to see how this trilogy ends because this book really does end with a bang. Dealing with the Borg, I expect nothing else.