A review by fallingletters
The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer


Review originally published 10 Septeber 2010 at Falling Letters.

After the sixth book in the series, [b: The Time Paradox|2179276|The Time Paradox (Artemis Fowl #6)|Eoin Colfer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1522190483l/2179276._SX50_.jpg|2184954], was released, I don’t know why, but I doubted that another book would be released. Well, surprises, surprises! Usually I’m on top of these things, but I only knew this book existed once I saw it stores. I bought it immediately but didn’t devour it immediately which might tell you something about the quality of the book.

I think the best volumes of the series were 1-4. Volumes 5 and 6 were fine, but not quite as good as the previous four. As for The Atlantis Complex, I can think of a few terms and phrases to describe it (in comparison to the other books in the series): Dull. Jokes that aren’t funny. Not up to standards. Lacking in character and plot. Disappointing. If the next book (to be the final) is on the same level as this one, I will be more than a little upset.

The main issue with this book is that the plot and characters are greatly lacking and those are the two things I love most about the Artemis Fowl series. There was no suspense, no clever twists and turns. The idea of Atlantis Complex was an intriguing one but it was executed poorly (Orion = one of the worsts ideas in the book). I didn’t feel as connected to the characters. They didn’t make me laugh, smile or cry with their weak dialogue. The whole book just fell flat: It felt like a poorly written fanfiction.

HOWEVER! Not all was terrible. I still enjoyed reading a new Artemis adventure, even if it was not nearly as good. If you’re a fan you’ll make it through this volume, just perhaps not as urgently as the other books.
Spoiler The villain was unexpected. (To people disappointed with the lack of Opal: Don’t you know she only shows up in every second book? ;P Save Artemis’ final battle for her!) Towards the end of the book, Artemis says something that I think redeems the novel, if only a little bit:
“This adventure was different, Holly. Usually someone wins, and we are better off at the end. But this time so many people died – innocents -and no one has benefited.”

I think that quote summarizes the book quite well. The adventure was different, and no one benefited.