A review by kaitlin_durante
Curse of the Dark Prince by Ariana Nash


**I received a digital arc for an honest review**

Curse of the Dark Prince by Ariana Nash is the final book in the Prince’s Assassin series and epically concludes Nikolas and Vasili’s battle with darkness. Nikolas Yazdan is recovering from the torture he experienced under Amir’s control and is yet again rescuing Vasili from his self-sacrificing ways. Although they escape the clutches of Niko’s family the dark flame is growing stronger and Vasili is starting to crack. Vasili is not the only one struggling under the lure of the flame with Niko succumbing to the power he never wanted. Their futures were written far in the past and now it is time for Niko and Vasili’s fate to come true.

Nikolas refuses to give up Vasili, the only man he can imagine hating as much as he loves. He has been trying too hard to keep Vasili from giving up and allowing the dark flame to take control that when he needs to use the flame to protect him he doesn’t realize the toll it takes. Niko’s descent into darkness is subtle but you see his struggle as he forces himself to not use the flame as an easy way to solve a problem. He finds himself with an unexpected ally in Lasher who proves that anyone can change to serve the greater good and relies on Yasir even as he struggles with loss. Niko and Vasili get glimpses of the future and fight so hard to reach a safe place together.

“The legacy, the flame, the curse; he’d see to it that everything ended with him. All he needed was his assassin to follow one final order.”

Vasili's finally losing his battle against the dark flame and he's so afraid of ruining Niko in the process. His honesty breaks your heart as you read about the freedom he feels with Niko and how afraid he is to lose that feeling. Giving in to his physical connection with Niko is everything you want it to be in more as the battle for dominance is balanced with care and affection. Self sacrifice is his modus operandi and he continues putting everyone and everything else ahead of himself.

“In the quiet moments, and the moments when he’d stripped all his layers back, Vasili was spellbinding. Vulnerable and fierce. Niko’s Vasili.”

This book crushed me. I knew it was going to but at the same time I was unprepared. Tears and frustration and more tears. This story takes you on the painful journey of Vasili's sacrifice and Niko's fight to prevent Vasili from following through with what he thinks is his fate. It's fast paced and yet achingly slow as you stress towards the dark flame overtaking everything. The romance warmed your heart and the betrayal and sad moments ruined you over and over again.

5 stars for this epic conclusion in the battle against the dark flame and everything stacked against Niko and Vasili.