A review by kimball_hansen
Trump: The Art of the Deal by Tony Schwartz, Donald J. Trump


3.5 stars. This is my second favorite book. You already know my first favorite book...The Bible. And as much as I love the Art of the Deal, it's not even close. We take the Bible all the way. I would have liked to hear more stories of his childhood though.

This book is very polarizing. I really like it at times then I'm bored and not understanding a thing because the finance, business, and politics go way over my head kinda like [b:The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine|26889576|The Big Short Inside the Doomsday Machine|Michael Lewis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1446581171s/26889576.jpg|6654434].

Good. He thinks modern art is dumb and a scam.

I wish he narrated his own book. That should be a requirement for non-fiction authors. But after a while the narrator sounded just like him. Haters of the book are prolly saying "I wished he'd written his own book." It's neat to think that this was written 30 years ago though. Hopefully he'll come out with a second edition with the next 30 years of his life.

I wonder how hard it is to work for the city of New York. Maybe I should see if they have any GIS openings there. That'd be a wild job.

That's interesting he talked about Jimmy Carter not being a qualified president although he was bold and that's how he got elected. But people saw that he wasn't good so he didn't get reelected. Hmmm Trump must have modeled after him.

I didn't know anything about the AFL and USFL. I thought there was just the NFL. I need to read up on Wikipedia about what happened to those leagues and all the history of them.

Wow, he had a great dad. How did he know so much about business with just a dang High School diploma? Perhaps it just come easy to others.

I wish I was more familiar with New York City so I could imagine all the places he talks about.

Trump Towers looks rich on Google Images. I didn't know it was that nice of a building.

Interesting thought: "Committees are what insecure people create in order to put off making hard decisions."

"The only thing guaranteed to force politicians into action is fear of the press.
Bad press translates into potential lost votes." The dumb politics of taking 6 years to build the ice skating rink in New York City was just retarded. Man.