A review by tawfek
Doom Patrol (1987-1995) #27 by Grant Morrison


I think its unfair at the end of this to say that the doom patrol are made by Arnold drake because Grant morrison has an absolute different take on the series this is like giving credit of the sandman to the writer who written three silly sandman stories that wasn't even Morpheus.
so yeah finally a five stars for doom patrol the opening was just great excerpt from a memoir by an opium user.
then we get to see mr no body's team at work sleep walk with her incredible strength, that other one transforming people into stuff, the cloud guy, its just a team of myriad powers even though i don't remember their names.
and all for what?
a painting that can eat people when you recite a poem for it, called the painting that ate paris.
my head is tingling with excitement at the possibilities that this issue carries forwar.