A review by stevenk
When Nobody Was Watching: My Hard-Fought Journey to the Top of the Soccer World by Carli Lloyd, Wayne Coffey


Her own story from the captain of the 2015 women's world cup winning team. The game recaps from Lloyd's perspective were exciting and worth the read by themselves. Lloyd's training with James Galanis and her message of working hard and being self motivated was great, and her view of internal USWNT politics was also interesting. This was an ok sports memoir, nothing too interesting or ground breaking. Lloyd, still being in the game, doesn't want to give away any "state secrets" so there isn't anything too detailed about her training or the behind the scenes of the game or her personal life to make this book really stand out in a world of many ghost written memoirs, but that's also the kind of memoir I would expect from a solid and non-flashy player that I enjoy watching play.