A review by bethreadsandnaps
People Like Them by Minka Kent


4.5 stars

This is my first dabble into Minka Kent, and I like sampling authors via Amazon Original Stories. I enjoyed this one so much that I will definitely read more by the author! 

This story takes place on the night of a progressive dinner within a neighborhood (drinks at one house, appetizers at a different house, etc.). You get introduced to the perspective of the woman hosting that segment of the dinner. At first I thought I'd be overwhelmed by perspectives, and this is a SHORT novella, but it was easy to keep straight. 

The highlight of each stage of the meal is the newlyweds Ryan and Veronica. They are all over each other, and the older neighbors look at them with admiration, envy, and a little disgust (one thinks they had a quickie in her bathroom). 

I don't want to go into spoiler territory, so I will just say that I really enjoyed this one!